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Frequently Asked Questions - Field Trips and Group visits

What is the difference between a Field Trip and a Group Visit?

Field Trips take place Monday-Friday from 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, or 1PM-3PM and have the option to include a S.T.E.A.M. based, TEKS aligned activity during the school year. Group Visits can be scheduled on any day we are open to the public (excluding special event days such as Touch-A-Truck) and allow all-day admission.


How do I schedule a visit?

Organizations can schedule by contacting the museum at (409) 347-7919 or registering online. All Field Trips/Group Visits must be scheduled at least 2 week in advance. Due to high demand, we recommend booking Spring visits several months in advance.


How much will it cost for my group?

Field Trips

  • $6 per child for entry including S.T.E.A.M. activity

  • $4 per child for museum entry only

  • Free admission for 1 adult chaperone per 5 students; additional adults will be charged $6 each for museum entry

  • All additional children/siblings brought with adult chaperones will be charged $6 per child unless under 12 months (free)

Group Visits

  • $4 per person


How can I pay for our visit?

Group Visits

A deposit of 50% of the total reservation is required to book. The remainder will be due the day of the visit. We accept checks made payable to the Beaumont Children's Museum, cash, or credit cards (Discover, Visa or MasterCard).

Field Trips

Full payment is due upon arrival. We accept checks made payable to the Beaumont Children's Museum, cash, or credit cards (Discover, Visa or MasterCard). If your organization requires a Purchase Order, contact us in advance for a quote or invoice. A final headcount is due two weeks before your visit.  Your organization will be charged for this headcount regardless if your numbers decrease. Please give your school administration or bookkeepers a heads up of this requirement.


Can I bring snacks for my group to enjoy at the museum?

We do not allow snacks in the museum area. A classroom can be reserved in advance for $30.


How many children and chaperones can my group include?

Group size is capped at 50 children. For larger groups, we'll schedule multiple times or explore alternative arrangements. We also work in coordination with surrounding museums and encourage groups to visit Centennial Park Downtown to offer large group rotations.


Where can we park our school bus or van for our group visit?

Buses can drop off children at the North entrance to the Civic Center and then proceed to park in the large open lot on the North side (same lot as the entrance).


Can we cancel or reschedule our group visit?

Cancellation or rescheduling must occur at least 2 weeks before the original scheduled date. Late cancellations could affect future visits for your group.


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